Work-From-Home Adventures:
Stories from our Customers
While it’s become a cliché thing to say, there’s no denying it—these are uncertain times. We asked our customers to share stories with us about their experiences working from home, facing the unexpected and uncertain, and getting settled into new routines and schedules—and we were so happy to see so many positive and uplifting responses! We’re sharing a few of them below…we hope they inspire and encourage you!

On making the most of smaller spaces...
“I recently moved into a studio apartment for the first time in my life, right before lockdown. It is a very small space in Brooklyn and one room has to serve multiple functions. I have a bed and a bistro table with two chairs that have served as my dining room, conference room, office, and art studio. My cat and I take turns sitting on the comfortable chair, but to be honest she gets the lion's share.” —Allison P.
On cancelled plans and an uncertain future...
"These past three months can be summed up in one word...unexpected. A few days after my 30th birthday, and on our one-year anniversary (Feb 1st), I got engaged to the love of my life. Then the unexpected happened, COVID-19. We will not be having a bachelor/bachelorette party, a bridal shower, or any of the usual wedding events, and we’re holding out hope for our wedding date in January 2021. The past three months have been difficult due to the uncertainty and unexpectedness of it all, but one thing that gets me through is my future husband. We are finally getting the opportunity to finish making our first house together a home. I know that with him, and despite COVID, we can get through anything." —Lauren M.
On the absence of real-world connections...
"While challenging, the past few months have been very revealing. Although we were forced to stay home at first, I found that I could focus more. I can actually plan my day, and finish an idea—a thought. It's surprising how much we as a society and industry can get done digitally, however, none of this replaces human interaction. I miss collaborating with my design colleagues, seeing their faces, seeing their stylish clothes, trying the new dishes that they bring every week, and sharing new ways to up our coffee game. Sitting around the table and turning all of our combined ideas into a giant brilliant idea and sketching it down on paper. We have to work together to defeat the pandemic, so we can work together with our colleagues again. We are all looking forward to the day when a handshake or a hug isn't a threat anymore." —Kamilah B.
On the importance of gratitude and what matters most...
"What stands out to me these last three months is that the key to my strength and happiness is gratitude, love, and family. I have never been in my house so much in the eight years that I have owned it. I look around all day at all this 'stuff'. Clothes, shoes, and clutter that I have bought over the years. Things don't matter. What matters is that my family is healthy, I have people in my life who love me, and I am thankful for it all. I am starting to get rid of the clutter, and I am doing a makeover on my house with a more minimalist design style. I want more pictures on the wall of memories and family, and more mirrors so that I can look myself in the eye every day, and try not to forget what matters to me most." —Vanessa

On the importance of personal space at home...
"I have been working from home for the past five years so personally, it has been business as usual...for the most part. I have acquired two new tween 'co-workers,' which has taken some getting used to. The most important thing for us to be able to 'work' simultaneously (and still like each other) is everyone having their own dedicated space." —Michelle S.
On making it work with a full house...
"Two full-time working parents, three school-age children under 11, five computers, three gaming consoles, four smartphones, countless Zoom calls... and an 80-lb pooch make working at home an adventure every day. We are strewn across sofas, beds, a home office, a desk, and in corners where the wifi is strongest. The beauty of it all is that we are the fortunate ones who still have jobs, love our home, and still really like each other, sharing tons of laughs on a daily basis. We recently purchased an IW chair for our desk and love it! It's the little things in life that bring so much joy. Thank you." —Melissa H.